Friday, January 31, 2014

Junk food, poor oral health increase risk of premature heart disease

The association between poor oral health and increased risk of cardiovascular disease should make the reduction of sugars such as those contained in junk food, particularly fizzy drinks, an important health policy target, say experts.


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Part Three: Sharable Blog Posts that Answer Common Questions

Internet search is rapidly moving from a typing-based platform to a voice-based platform. Instead of typing requests (keywords) into Google Search from a desktop or laptop computer, many searchers now verbalize search requests into their smartphones and tablets. This changes how marketers must look at SEO. Verbal vs Typed Searches A solid example is, when […]


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Enercell Backup Power Review


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Creative Walking!

-By Hertha J. Woodruff, A.M.L.S., M.A. The American Heart Association states that walking has the following benefits: - Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease - Improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels - Improve blood lipid profile - Maintain body weight and lower the risk of obesity - Enhance mental well being - Reduce [...]


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Dental research: Gingival stem cells can be used in tissue regeneration

Gingivae represent a unique soft tissue that serves as a biological barrier to cover the oral cavity side of the maxilla and mandible. Recently, the gingivae were identified as containing mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs). However, it is unknown whether the GMSCs are derived from cranial neural crest cells (CNCC) or the mesoderm.


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Sound City the Movie - Just See It


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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Residents Of Weymouth Receive Root Canal Therapy To Eliminate Tooth Infections

Dr. Harry Tatoian, Jr. of Weymouth offers root canal therapy to patients and reassures them that it's not as scary as it sounds.


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Health and Safety Policies and Procedures During the Flu Season

It’s that time of year again when patients are cancelling appointments due to illness and staff are calling in sick. When your employee comes to work sick, she can infect the rest of...


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"Fastest Ever" Internet Speeds Achieved by British Telecom & Alcatel-Lucent


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Billions worldwide suffer from major tooth decay

Billions of people across the globe are suffering from major untreated dental problems, according to a new report.


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Fluoride in drinking water cuts tooth decay in adults, study shows

A new study has produced the strongest evidence yet that fluoride in drinking water provides dental health benefits to adults, even those who had not received fluoridated drinking water as children.


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Richmond VA Dentist Answers Your Questions about Partial Dentures

Are you a victim of tooth loss? If so, restorative dentistry can replace your missing teeth to help restore your oral health. To accomplish this task, your Richmond VA dentist, Dr. Charles Martin, may use dental implants, dental bridges, partial dentures, or full dentures, so to help you gain a better understanding of restorative dentistry, [...]


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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Highly Regarded Dental Implant Practice Expands to Broken Arrow, OK

Revitalize Dental Implants and Oral Surgery of Tulsa, OK opens a new office in neighboring Broken Arrow.


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Dental care boost for kids in poverty

Additional 70,000 to get free service in Ontario An additional 70,000 low-income Ontario children will be eligible for free dental care under a new streamlined program to be rolled out over the next...


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Dental Blu Uploads Educational Videos and Dental Resources On Website

Drs. Ansley Depp and Angela Arlinghaus provide great dental resources for residents in Northern Kentucky!


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Dental Blu Uploads Educational Videos and Dental Resources On Website

Drs. Ansley Depp and Angela Arlinghaus provide great dental resources for residents in Northern Kentucky!


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Preventive dentist visits may not help save on kids' teeth costs

It seems logical that a preventive check-up will deter cavities and other costly dental problems in children, but new research shows otherwise.


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Your Time with Kim: Radio Interview on Medical Tourism

Medical travel for major dental work, plastic surgery and other medical care continues to be in the news in the United States. On Friday evening, I was interviewed about the subject on the Your Time with Kim syndicated talk radio program.


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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay

In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay.


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New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay

In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay.


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Using Virtual Reality to Improve Seniors’ Stability

Computer game promotes balance to help prevent falls, the main cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among elderly  BETHESDA, Md., December 10, 2013– According to the National Council on Aging, an older adult...


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Richmond VA Dentist: Try This Tooth Extraction Quiz

For the most part, dentistry is about retaining our teeth by ensuring their continuing health. However, in certain circumstances, a tooth extraction can be beneficial to the mouth. But exactly which circumstances necessitate a tooth extraction? Test your knowledge with the following quiz from your Richmond VA dentist, Dr. Charles Martin, and check your answers [...]


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Your Time with Kim: Radio Interview on Medical Tourism

Medical travel for major dental work, plastic surgery and other medical care continues to be in the news in the United States. On Friday evening, I was interviewed about the subject on the Your Time with Kim syndicated talk radio program.


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Preventive dentist visits may not help save on kids' teeth costs

It seems logical that a preventive check-up will deter cavities and other costly dental problems in children, but new research shows otherwise.


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Monday, January 27, 2014

Cells culled from adults may grow human bone

Preparations are underway for the first known human trial to use embryonic-like stem cells collected from adult cells to grow bone.


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Huntsville Oral Surgeon Uses Dental Implants To Rebuild Smiles

Dr. S. Clint Hudson is excited to offer patients dental implants as a restorative option for tooth loss. It's a step above the rest! Read the full story below.


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Drinking fluoridated water gives no additional risks for hip fractures

A team of researchers investigated possible adverse health effects on bone tissue from drinking fluoridated water. With nearly half a million individuals participating in this study, this is believed to be one of the largest studies of its kind.


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How Your Dentist Knows You’re Not Flossing

Woman Flossing Before Dental Exam

A recent survey by the American Dental Association found that just under half of all Americans floss their teeth daily.

What about the other half?

My guess is that they're the ones who floss twice a year — right before their dental checkups.  They think they can pull a fast one on us, but here's a little secret: dentists can tell when you've been  flossing and when you haven't.

How Dentists Can Tell When You're Not Flossing

The way we can tell if you're not flossing is if your gums are bleeding.  Although there are other, less common conditions that can make your gums bleed, gingivitis is the main cause.  Gingivitis is when the gums are inflamed due to all of the bacteria in your mouth collecting right between the gums and the teeth.

The problem is that it takes about a week of daily flossing for gingivitis to go away and make it so your gums don't bleed when they are cleaned.

The most authoritative book on the gums — that's 1,328 pages dedicated to your gums! — states the following:

The presence of plaque for only 2 days can initiate gingival bleeding on probing, whereas once established, it may take 7 days or more after continued plaque control and treatment to eliminate gingival bleeding.

So, if you end up brushing and flossing really well right before your dental cleaning and exam, your teeth will be clean, but your gums will still show the main sign of inflammation: bleeding.

If you really want to trick your dentist into thinking you're brushing and flossing regularly, you'll have to do it for at least seven days before your visit. And if you're gonna do that, why not simply brush and floss every day?

Image © Cheryl Casey/


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Gonorrhoea-related throat infections increase in Sydney

The assessment of thousands of patient records in New South Wales has found that throat infections due to gonorrhoea among men living in Sydney’s eastern and southern suburbs have increased fourfold in recent years. The researchers have speculated that the cases occurred mostly in gay patients practising unsafe oral intercourse.


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Alligator stem cell study gives clues to tooth regeneration

Alligators may help scientists learn how to stimulate tooth regeneration in people, according to new research. For the first time, a global team of researchers has uncovered unique cellular and molecular mechanisms behind tooth renewal in American alligators.


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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tooth development and weaning in chimpanzees not as closely related as once thought

Using a first-of-its-kind method, scientists have used digital photographs to show that, after the eruption of their first molar tooth, many juvenile chimps continue to nurse as much, if not more, than they had in the past. The research challenges earlier studies that linked juvenile chimps' tooth development with their weaning as a rough proxy for understanding similar developmental landmarks in the evolution of early humans.


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Part Three: Sharable Blog Posts that Answer Common Questions

Internet search is rapidly moving from a typing-based platform to a voice-based platform. Instead of typing requests (keywords) into Google Search from a desktop or laptop computer, many searchers now verbalize search requests into their smartphones and tablets. This changes how marketers must look at SEO. Verbal vs Typed Searches A solid example is, when […]


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So I Met the Father of Facebook at a Henry Schein Festival

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Henry Schein Metro Fall Festival in Teaneck, NJ. Guess who was scheduled in the room after me? Dr. Edward Zuckerberg, father of Mark Zuckerberg. You...

Read the rest @ The Dental Implant Blog


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Highly Regarded Dental Implant Practice Expands to Broken Arrow, OK

Revitalize Dental Implants and Oral Surgery of Tulsa, OK opens a new office in neighboring Broken Arrow.


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Postmenopausal women who smoked are more likely to lose teeth due to periodontal disease

Postmenopausal women who have smoked are at much higher risk of losing their teeth than women who never smoked, according to a new study.


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How to Control and Prevent Tooth Infection

This tooth decay occurs when disease causing bacteria produce an acid which removes the top most layer of the tooth surface, the enamel. This infection can go deeper in to the pulp chamber and results in tooth loss or it may even cause infections to wisdom tooth.

Tooth infection can be easily prevented by brushing the teeth properly and flossing regularly, and by consulting a dentist or dental professional, also by avoiding taking foods that are very high in sugar

Tooth infection can cause the bacteria in the mouth to enter the blood circulation, into the bloodstream to infect the heart valve, causing bacterial endocarditic, and it mostly occurs in people who had rheumatic heart disease, when they were young.

This condition affects and weakens the heart valves, making them susceptible to infection. And those who have artificial heart valves or pacemakers are even more prone to infection originating from tooth decay or infection in the mouth.

Causes of Tooth Infection

A tooth infection usually starts from a normal tooth decay or cavity, and as the cavity deepens the bacteria enters the pulp tissue causing infection within the tooth. These bacteria that have entered the pulp chamber cause destruction of blood vessels and nerve tissue within the pulp; it causes liquefaction of the dead tissue.

This mixture of living bacteria and rotten tissue, leaks out of the end of the tooth. The dead tissue irritates the surrounding alveolar bone and the supporting structures, making the tooth mobile. Fortunately, with a healthy immune system, the body fights back. However, if the infection is long term or chronic then the symptoms gradually appear.

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, when it comes in contact with food particles on the tooth surface. Plaque, a transparent layer formed on the tooth few hours after brushing, contains disease causing bacteria which feeds on the food you eat with high sugar content which in turn creates acid that destroy the teeth.

Few minutes after eating this acid will start attacking the teeth and over a period of time acid will completely destroy the tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay. Any dental infection can cause serious problems and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Types of Tooth Infections

A tooth infection can be very painful. And there are several types of dental infections depending upon the area of invasion.

The first type is an infection inside your tooth, in the living pulp tissue. This comes from tooth decay or severe irritation resulting from chronic infection. Inside your tooth, the natural defense mechanism breaks down because the blood vessel which transports antibodies and white blood cells gets destroyed.

Therefore, when your tooth becomes infected, it will not recover, and the pulp tissue will die. The treatment for this condition is a root canal treatment. With a root canal treatment, the soft tissue inside your tooth is removed and replaced with a sealant material that keeps infection from seeping back into the tooth.

There is a second type of tooth infection which occurs in the bone surrounding the tooth. A tooth abscess may or may not be painful; it is formed near the root of the tooth. When bacteria are in the bone, your body can fight them with antibodies and white blood cells.

The problem is that there is a constant supply of new bacteria to the region from the dead tissue inside your tooth. Your body may or may not be successful in walling off the infected area, so an abscess can go on for years without hurting. But the risk of damage is great. The abscess can grow and spread to surrounding roots of other teeth, and it can even cause the root of your tooth to be gradually dissolved. Treatment, again, would be a root canal procedure, followed by deep gingival curettage or abscess drainage.

A subdivision of this type would be a wisdom tooth infection, which occurs in the surrounding gum and is treated with a tooth extraction.

Click NEXT below to read more about signs and symptoms of tooth infection.

The post How to Control and Prevent Tooth Infection appeared first on Worldental.Org.


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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dentist in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA Boosts Community Oral Health with General and Family Dental Services

Dr. L. Maxwell Ferguson, family dentist in Buckhead, provides quality dental care for Buckhead community. Read the full story below!


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Fluoride in drinking water cuts tooth decay in adults, study shows

A new study has produced the strongest evidence yet that fluoride in drinking water provides dental health benefits to adults, even those who had not received fluoridated drinking water as children.


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Feeback from Facebook

We started a targeted Facebook campaign for Partners in Prevention about 2 months ago. The focus is on older women (over age 40) who live in the Toronto Region, who read Prevention Magazine...


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Junk food, poor oral health increase risk of premature heart disease

The association between poor oral health and increased risk of cardiovascular disease should make the reduction of sugars such as those contained in junk food, particularly fizzy drinks, an important health policy target, say experts.


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Researchers regenerate a fully functional bioengineered salivary gland

The ultimate goal of regenerative therapy is to develop fully functional bioengineered tissues that can replace lost or damaged organs following disease, injury or aging. A research group has provided a proof-of-concept for bioengineered mature organ replacement as a regenerative therapy.


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Cells culled from adults may grow human bone

Preparations are underway for the first known human trial to use embryonic-like stem cells collected from adult cells to grow bone.


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Friday, January 24, 2014

Ruben Calvo Parra Martinez Begins Studies at Newcastle University

Ruben Calvo Parra Martinez began program for Master's in Clinical Dentistry in Restorative Dentistry.


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Dentures Require Careful Handling

ROCHESTER, Minn. — Dentures deserve careful handling and, in many ways, taking care of them is more work than caring for natural teeth. The November issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter covers tips to...

Read the rest @ The Dental Implant Blog


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Postmenopausal women who smoked are more likely to lose teeth due to periodontal disease

Postmenopausal women who have smoked are at much higher risk of losing their teeth than women who never smoked, according to a new study.


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Experts warn of misbehaving tooth fairy

Opinions of the tooth fairy as kind and giving may need to be revised following "mounting reports of less child-friendly activity," according to a new paper.


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DentaPure Safe and *Easy* Dental Unit Water


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Dentist in Boynton Beach Joins Newest Social Media Trend For Increased Web Presence

Tomalty Dental Care encourages patients to connect with their office through Google+.


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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Worst Passwords Released - If Yours Is Here… Get Busy or Get Hacked


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Dentures vs Implants: Which Are Best for Seniors

Deciding which is better may seem cumbersome, but it really all comes down to assessing the benefits and disadvantages associated with a denture appliance or having an dental implant procedure performed. After assessing the pros and cons of both options, the senior can make a prudent decision on what treatment method is best.

Dentures Advantages

When a senior has dentures, they can smile with a greater degree of confidence. Being able to smile will allow the senior enjoy socializing with others, and he or she can also feel more comfortable during close communications with family and friends.

Dentures also help the wearer to maintain a natural face appearance: the face does not appear sunken or misaligned when dentures are in place. What’s more, when a senior wears dentures they are not forced to deal with the speech impediments associated with lost teeth.

Dentures offer practical benefits too since wearing them allows for the senior to chew foods with greater efficiency. Instead of having to avoid foods, the senior can consume many of the foods that they might not attempt to eat without teeth.

Financially speaking, dentures can be far less expensive than the cost of dental implant procedures.

Dentures Disadvantages

When a senior first gets a partial or a full set of dentures, it will take a period of time to adjust to the new appliance. One’s speaking patterns will change over time as the person gets used to wearing the appliance on a daily basis.

The post Dentures vs Implants: Which Are Best for Seniors appeared first on Worldental.Org.


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Laurel Family Dentist Provides Top-Notch Restorative Treatment-Dental Implants

Dr. Vince Schembari is excited to offer dental implants in Laurel. This procedure offers a number of quality benefits!


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Highly Regarded Dental Implant Practice Expands to Broken Arrow, OK

Revitalize Dental Implants and Oral Surgery of Tulsa, OK opens a new office in neighboring Broken Arrow.


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Drinking fluoridated water gives no additional risks for hip fractures

A team of researchers investigated possible adverse health effects on bone tissue from drinking fluoridated water. With nearly half a million individuals participating in this study, this is believed to be one of the largest studies of its kind.


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Beta-catenin molecule is required for tooth root formation

The tooth root, together with the surrounding periodontium, maintains the tooth in the jaw. The root develops after the crown forms, a process called morphogenesis. While the molecular and cellular mechanisms of early tooth development and crown morphogenesis have been extensively studied, little is known about the molecular mechanisms controlling tooth root formation.


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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who Gave The Tooth Fairy A Raise?

If you are of a “certain age,” you may remember gently placing your lost baby tooth under the pillow and hoping the tooth fairy (or one of their agents) would come by in the middle of the night and replace it with a dollar. Well it seems those days are gone! According to a survey [...]


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Ruben Calvo Parra Martinez Begins Studies at Newcastle University

Ruben Calvo Parra Martinez began program for Master's in Clinical Dentistry in Restorative Dentistry.


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Set Your Office Apart with a Brushing App!!!


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New coating method accelerates bonding with bone three times faster

Researchers in Japan have developed a coating method which accelerates bonding with bone by three


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Richmond VA General Dentist Quizzes You on Gum Disease

Cavities are not the only things we fight against when brushing and flossing our teeth. If oral bacteria are left to their own devices, they may also devastate the mouth by causing gum disease. But just how much do you know about gum disease and its symptoms? To find out, take the following quiz from [...]


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Preventive dentist visits may not help save on kids' teeth costs

It seems logical that a preventive check-up will deter cavities and other costly dental problems in children, but new research shows


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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Number one source for new teeth

Stem cells derived from urine can be used to generate tooth-like structures, reports a new study. It’s thought the technique might one day help researchers grow new, tailor-made teeth for dental


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Google Updates Drive with Activity Stream for Shared Files


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A Big Thank You to Dr. Rob Leach & My Christmas Break Begins!


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Sound City the Movie - Just See It


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Cheese may prevent cavities

Consuming dairy products is vital to maintaining good overall health, and it's especially important to bone health. But there has been little research about how dairy products affect oral health


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Dental Hygienist Honoured with Premier’s Award

Ottawa, ON, Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) member and Canadore College dental hygiene graduate, Elina Katsman, is the recipient of the 2013 Premier’s Award for Health Sciences, in recognition of her outstanding contributions,...


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Monday, January 20, 2014

Gum disease found to worsen infection in animal model of AIDS

Scientists have found that moderate gum disease in an animal model exposed to an AIDS- like virus had more viral variants causing infection and greater inflammation. Both of these features have potential negative implications in long term disease progression, including other kinds of infections, the researchers say in a new report.


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Richmond VA Dentist Answers Your Questions about Partial Dentures

Are you a victim of tooth loss? If so, restorative dentistry can replace your missing teeth to help restore your oral health. To accomplish this task, your Richmond VA dentist, Dr. Charles Martin, may use dental implants, dental bridges, partial dentures, or full dentures, so to help you gain a better understanding of restorative dentistry, [...]


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Security of Starbucks App is Lacking...


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Richmond VA Dentist Answers Your Questions about Partial Dentures

Are you a victim of tooth loss? If so, restorative dentistry can replace your missing teeth to help restore your oral health. To accomplish this task, your Richmond VA dentist, Dr. Charles Martin, may use dental implants, dental bridges, partial dentures, or full dentures, so to help you gain a better understanding of restorative dentistry, [...]


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Human microbe study provides insight into health, disease

Microbes from the human mouth are telling scientists something about periodontitis and more after they cracked the genetic code of bacteria linked to the condition.


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Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is Orthodontics?

What is Orthodontics?

gentle_dental_pop_art_braces Quite simply, orthodontics refers to the branch of dentistry that specializes in straightening teeth and (in fewer cases) treating and controlling facial growth and development of the jaw. Someone who performs orthodontic treatment is called an orthodontist.

The word orthodontics comes from the greek words orthos, which means “straight, perfect or proper” and dontos, which means “teeth”.

Cosmetic dentistry also falls under orthodontics in some cases.

Some of the procedures that orthodontists perform are:

  • ŸŸshrinking gaps that are too wide between teeth
  • aligning the tips of the teeth
  • straightening crooked teeth
  • improving speech or eating (oral functions)
  • being proactive in the health of the gums and teeth
  • prevent excessive wear or trauma to the teeth in the long term
  • correcting improper bites

Two types of orthodontic appliances are used: fixed and removable.

Fixed are the most common devices used. These are employed when precision movement is needed. Although patients can eat normally when fixed orthodontic devices are installed, they must avoid some things like carbonated drinks, hard candy or toffee. If participating in contact sports, orthodontic patients should tell their orthodontist so that they can have special gum shields made.

The other type of appliance are the removable devices. These treat minor problems, such as preventing thumb sucking or straightening slightly crooked teeth. They should only be removed when cleaning, eating, flossing or other activities that involve the mouth.

Gentle Dental is a leading provider of orthodontic treatment in South Florida.

The post What is Orthodontics? appeared first on Gentle Dental.


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