Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finding The Right Toothpaste

Gentle Dental Toothpaste



Four out of five dentists say that the brand of toothpaste doesn’t matter. With that in mind, searching for a toothpaste boils down to finding one with two key ingredients - fluoride to help prevent tooth decay and a form of anti-bacterial like zinc or triclosan to prevent plaque build-up.


There are many toothpastes that contain those ingredients and many others, but the extra ingredients may be driving up the price of the toothpaste and may actually be harming your teeth. Some brands may be too abrasive as well. Some people have reported sensitivity to gel.


A great way to try out toothpaste is to go to the travel-size section of the store and pick up two or three different brands. The ones that you don’t like, you can keep for those times you run out of your favorite brand.


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